
ShowChrome 52-803 - Rear Laguage Rack

Rear Laguage Rack 52-803

Prix Normal : 3 499,30 Dh

Votre Prix :2 499,50 Dh

2 999,40 Dh TTC

Economie : 999,80 Dh - 29%

CNC BILLET TRUNK RACK With Rubber Inserts Fits GL1800, etc.

Disponibilité : Non Disponible
Evaluation :
  • Rear Laguage Rack 52-803

Big Bike Parts® introduces their new Low Profile Contour Trunk Rack to its Show Chrome Accessories® line of accessories for the Honda GL1800 Gold Wing - This unique design incorporates a compound curve to match the GL1800’s trunk shape. The use of a compound curve allows this rack to be thin, light and durable. This stunning Low Profile Contour Trunk Rack incorporates Show Chrome Accessories® high luster chrome and non-slip rubber inserts for your luggage bags. Designed to work with Big Bike Parts® #4-603 Hopnel™ Luggage Bag. This NEW design compliments Show Chrome Accessories® other products for the GL1800 that use rubber and chrome, such as its comfort grips, vantage boards, battery side covers and fork covers. Manufactured with superior quality components featuring CNC finished aluminum, ensures years of reliable use and low maintenance. All necessary hardware is included to mount the rack to the GL1800 Gold Wing trunk with or without OEM spoilers. Add this item to your GL1800 and start touring today!

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